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Linear AlgebraDeterminants
זמן קריאה: ~25 min
The determinant of a square matrix is a single number which captures some important information about how the transformation behaves. In this section, we will develop a geometrically-motivated definition of the determinant.
Exercise Suppose that is a region in and that is an matrix. Consider the singular value decomposition .
Let .By what factor does transform volumes?
Let .In terms of the entries of , by what factor does transform volumes?
Let .By what factor does transform volumes?
Solution.Since and are orthogonal, and both preserve volumes. So they multiply volumes by a factor of 1. Since scales volumes by a factor of along the first axis, along the second, and so on, it scales volumes by a factor of .
Volume scale factor
We see from this exercise that a linear transformation from to scales the volume of any -dimensional region by the same factor: the volume scale factor of .
Exercise Find the volume scale factor of the matrix by describing how the matrix transforms a region in \mathbb{R}^3.
Solution.Since A[x,y,z] = [x,z,ky], we see that A stretches (or compresses) regions in \mathbb{R}^3 by a factor k along the y-axis and then reflects across the plane y = z.For example, the unit cube is mapped to a 1 \times 1 \times k box Since such a box has volume k, the volume scale factor of S is k.
Orientation factor
Another geometrically relevant piece of information about T is whether it preserves or reverses orientations. For example, rotations in \mathbb{R}^2 are orientation preserving, while reflections are orientation reversing. Let's define the orientation factor of T to be +1 if T is orientation preserving and -1 if T is orientation reversing.
Definition We define the determinant of a transformation T to be the product of its orientation factor and its volume scale factor.
We define the determinant of a matrix A to be the determinant of the corresponding linear transformation \mathbf{x}\mapsto A\mathbf{x}.
Exercise Interpret A = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -1 \\\ -1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} geometrically and use this interpretation to find \det A, the determinant of A.
Solution.Since A\begin{bmatrix} x \\\ y \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} -y \\\ -x \end{bmatrix},A reflects points in \mathbb{R}^2 across the line y = -x.Therefore, it preserves areas and reverses orientations. So its determinant is -1.
There is relatively simple formula for \det A in terms of the entries of A.For example,
\begin{align*}\left|\begin{array}{cc} a & b \\\ c & d \end{array}\right| = ad - bc\end{align*}
is the determinant of a 2 \times 2 matrix. However this formula is terribly inefficient if A has many entries (it has n!terms for an n\times n matrix), and all scientific computing environments have a det function which uses much faster methods.
Exercise For various values of n, use the expression np.linalg.det(np.random.randint(-9,10,(n,n)))det(rand(-9:9, n, n)) to find the determinant of an n\times n matrix filled with random single-digit numbers. How large does n have to be for the determinant to be large enough to consistently overflow?
import numpy as np
using LinearAlgebra
det(rand(-9:9, n, n))
Solution.Trial and error reveals that this determinant starts to consistently return infInf at n = 187.
Exercise Suppose that A and B are 3 \times 3 matrices, with determinant 5 and \frac{1}{2} respectively. Suppose that R \subset \mathbb{R}^3 is a 3D region modeling a fish whose volume is 14. What is the volume of the transformed fish BA(R)?
Solution.The volume of A(R) is 5 \cdot 14 = 70.The volume of BA(R) = B(A(R)) is \tfrac{1}{2} \cdot 70 = 35.
Exercise Let R \subset \mathbb{R}^3 be 3D region modeling a fish, and suppose A an invertible 3 \times 3 matrix. If R has volume 15 and A^{-1}(R) has volume 5, then the determinant of A is equal to ?
Solution.We can see that the matrix A^{-1} scales volumes by \frac{1}{3}, and hence \det A^{-1} = \frac{1}{3}.This implies that \det A = 3.
Determinants can be used to check whether a matrix is invertible, since A is noninvertible if and only if it maps \mathbb{R}^n to a lower-dimensional subspace of \mathbb{R}^n, and in that case A squishes positive-volume regions down to zero-volume regions.
Exercise Let A = \begin{bmatrix} 2 & -2 \\\ -4 & 0 \end{bmatrix}.Find the values of \lambda \in \mathbb{R} for which the equation A \mathbf{v} = \lambda \mathbf{v} has nonzero solutions for \mathbf{v}.
Solution.We can rewrite A\mathbf{v} = \lambda \mathbf{v} as A\mathbf{v} = (\lambda I) \mathbf{v}, where I is the identity matrix. We can rearrange this to give the equation (A - \lambda I)\mathbf{v} = 0.This has a nontrivial solution if (A - \lambda I) has a nonzero nullspace. Since A - \lambda I is a square matrix, this is equivalent to it having determinant zero.
Exercise For an n \times n square matrix, which of the following is the relationship between \det A and \det (3A)?
\det(3A) = 3^{n} \det (A).
Solution.The answer is (4) \det(3A) = 3^{n} \det (A).There are two ways to see this, algebraically and geometrically.
To check that this is the right answer using algebra, let A = I_{n} be the n \times n identity matrix, with determinant 1.The matrix 3A is diagonal, with threes on the diagonal. Its determinant is the product of the entries on its diagonal, 3 \times 3 \times \cdots \times 3 = 3^{n}.
Geometrically, we know that the determinant of A measures how much A scales volume. The matrix 3A scales by a factor of three more in each dimension. Since there are n dimensions, the total scaling of volume is multiplied by a factor 3^n.
Exercise Is every matrix with positive determinant positive definite?
Solution.No. Consider the negation of the 2 \times 2 identity matrix. It has determinant 1, yet its eigenvalues are both negative.
Congratulations! You have completed the Data Gymnasia Linear Algebra course.